发布日期:2025-01-04 11:31 点击次数:111
当地时间7月28日凌晨,社交媒体平台X上有网友称,巴黎大面积停电,并配上相关照片和视频,引发热议,但也有人质疑其真实性。 今天你练听力了吗? 🤔️小作业: 1. How did social media users react to the rumored power blackout in Paris? A) They confirmed it through official channels. B) They posted videos and pictures claiming it happened. C) They ignored the rumors. D) They supported the denial of the blackout. 2. What was one of the major criticisms of the 2024 Olympics opening ceremony? A) The absence of athletes B) The weather conditions C) A controversial performance D) The quality of the fireworks display Paris is hit by a 'powerblackout', claim social media users - a day after city was battered by rain and transport system was brought to its knees by protesters From: Daily Mail Social media users have claimed Paris has been hit by apower outage- but nothing has been confirmed. 社交媒体用户称,巴黎遭遇停电,但尚未得到证实。 blackout blackout /ˈblæk.aʊt/ 1)表示“灯火管制时期;断电时期;断电,停电”,英文解释为“a time when all lights must be hidden by law, or when there is no light or power because of an electricity failure”如:wartime blackouts 战时灯火管制,举个🌰:Power lines were blown down and we had a blackout of several hours. 电线被吹断了,我们停了几个小时电。 2)表示“消息封锁”,英文解释为“the action taken to make certain that information about something is not reported to the public” 🎬电影《科洛弗道10号》(10 Cloverfield Lane)中的台词提到:In the wake of this afternoon's widespread blackout 在今天下午的大面积停电之后,... power outage power outage表示“停电”,英文解释为“an interruption in the supply of electricity”举个🌰:Storms caused power outages in hundreds of homes last night. 风暴导致昨夜几百户家庭断电。 还可以说power failure或者power cut:A power cut is a period of time when the electricity supply to a particular building or area is stopped, sometimes deliberately. Several users took to X (formerly Twitter) posting videos and pictures of the city suggesting Paris had been left in darkness after a supposed 'blackout'. 一些用户在X(原推特)上发布视频和图片,称巴黎因所谓的“停电”后陷入一片黑暗。 However there has been doubtcastover these videos allegedly showing the French capital in darkness. 然而,这些显示法国首都一片漆黑的视频真实性受到质疑。 cast cast /kɑːst/ 作名词,表示“(一部电影、戏剧或演出的)全体演员”,英文解释为“the actors in a film, play, or show”举个🌰:After the final performance the director threw a party for the cast. 最后一场演出过后,导演为全体演员举办了一场聚会。 作动词,1)表示“分配角色;选派角色”,英文解释为“to choose actors to play the different parts in a film/movie, play, etc.; to choose an actor to play a particular role”举个🌰:He has cast her as an ambitious lawyer in his latest movie. 他选定她在他最近的一部影片里扮演一名雄心勃勃的律师。 2)表示“把(光或阴影)投向;投射”,英文解释为“to send light or shadow (= an area of darkness) in a particular direction”举个🌰:The tree cast a shadow over/on his face. 树影投在他的脸上。 📍cast a shadow over/on something 表示“给…蒙上阴影”,英文解释为“to spoil a good situation with something unpleasant”举个🌰:Her father's illness had cast a shadow over the birth of her baby. 她父亲的病给她孩子的出生蒙上了一层阴影。 📍cast doubt/suspicion on sb/sth表示“使对…产生怀疑”,英文解释为“to make people feel less sure about or have less trust in something or someone”举个🌰:Witnesses have cast doubt on the accused's innocence. 证人们对嫌疑人是否清白表示怀疑。 Therumouredoutage comes as the 2024 Olympics endured aturbulentstart including travel chaos as trains were brought to ahaltamid a 'massivearsonattack'. 传闻中的停电事件发生在2024年奥运会刚刚开始之时,巴黎遭遇了一系列动荡事件,包括因“大规模纵火袭击”导致火车停运而造成的交通混乱。 rumoured rumoured /ˈruː.məd/ 表示“传闻的;谣传的”,英文解释为“used to refer to a fact or piece of news that might be true or invented, and quickly spreads from person to person” 对比: 📍supposed /səˈpəʊzd/ 表示“据说的,所谓的”,英文解释为“used to show that you do not believe that something or someone really is what many other people consider them to be”如:a supposed genius 所谓的天才。 📍alleged /əˈledʒd/ 表示“被说成的,(尤指在证据不足的情况下)被指控的”,英文解释为“said or thought by some people to be the stated bad or illegal thing, although you have no proof”举个🌰:It took 9 years for the alleged criminals (= people thought to be criminals) to prove their innocence. 那些被指控犯罪的人用了9年时间才证明自己是无辜的。 turbulent turbulent /ˈtɜː.bjə.lənt/ 表示“骚乱的,骚动的;动荡的,混乱的”,英文解释为“involving a lot of sudden changes, arguments, or violence”如:a turbulent marriage 吵吵闹闹的婚姻。 halt halt /hɒlt/ 作名词,表示“停止,停下,中止”,英文解释为“an occasion when something stops moving or happening”如:the recent halt in production 最近的停产。 作动词,1)表示“使停住;停住”,英文解释为“When a person or a vehicle halts or when something halts them, they stop moving in the direction they were going and stand still.”举个🌰:They halted at a short distance from the house. 他们停在离房子不远处。 2)表示“使完全停止;完全停止”,英文解释为“When something such as growth, development, or activity halts or when you halt it, it stops completely.”举个🌰:Workers halted production at the auto plant yesterday. 昨天,汽车厂的工人完全停止了生产。 🎬电影《危情时速》(Unstoppable)中的台词提到:Emergency responders want to halt all activity near the line 应急响应人员打算停止铁路附近的所有活动。 arson arson /ˈɑː.sən/表示“纵火(罪),放火(罪)”,英文解释为:the crime of deliberately making something burn, especially a building,如:a terrible wave of theft and arson 一波可怕的盗窃和纵火事件... 📍纵火犯:arsonist Heavy showersbatteringthe city alsowreaked havoc, forcing several sporting events to bepostponed- while Friday night's opening ceremony received heavy criticism. 强降雨也给这座城市造成了严重破坏,迫使多项体育赛事被迫推迟,而周五晚上的开幕式则受到了猛烈批评。 batter batter /ˈbætə/ 作动词,表示“连续猛击;殴打;(风、雨或风暴等的)袭击”,英文解释为“to hit sb/sth hard many times, especially in a way that causes serious damage”举个🌰:The area has been battered by winds. 该地区一直受到大风的袭击。 wreak havoc wreak havoc 肆虐,造成严重破坏,wreak /riːk/ 表示“造成(混乱或严重破坏)”,英文解释为“Something or someone that wreaks havoc or destruction causes a great amount of disorder or damage.”举个🌰:The recent storms have wreaked havoc on crops. 最近的暴风雨给农作物造成了巨大的灾害。She was determined to wreak revenge/vengeance on both him and his family. 她决心要报复他和他的家人。 📍havoc /ˈhævək/ 作名词,表示“破坏,毁坏;混乱”,英文解释为“confusion and lack of order, especially causing damage or trouble” 🎬电影《歪小子斯科特》(Scott Pilgrim vs. the World)中提到:You know what, maybe it's high.... time you took a look in a mirror before you wreak havoc on another girl. 你知道吗,在你再去糟蹋别的女孩之前,你真该去照照镜子。 postpone postpone /pəʊstˈpəʊn/ 表示“推迟,延缓,使延期”,英文解释为“If you postpone an event, you delay it or arrange for it to take place at a later time than was originally planned.”举个🌰:He decided to postpone the expedition until the following day. 他决定将探险活动推迟到第二天。 📍路透社(Reuters)在报道上海高考延期、杭州亚运会延期时标题就都用的是Postpone. Top tennis stars including Novak Djokovic and Carlos Alcaraz had their games held up as many matcheswere washed outand delayed on Friday. 周五,许多比赛因大雨被取消和推迟,顶级网球明星诺瓦克·德约科维奇(Novak Djokovic)和卡洛斯·阿尔卡拉斯(Carlos Alcaraz)的比赛也受到了影响。 wash sth out 表示“(因雨)取消,中止(体育比赛等)”,英文解释为“If an event or sports competition is washed out, it is prevented from happening or stopped early because of heavy rain.”举个🌰:The men's tennis semifinals were washed out this morning. 今天上午的男子网球半决赛因雨被迫取消。 The men's street skateboarding competition was also postponed and rescheduled for Monday as the grounds werewaterlogged. 由于场地积水,男子街头滑板比赛也被推迟至周一举行。 waterlogged waterlogged /ˈwɔː.tə.lɒɡd/ 表示“(地面)水浸的,水涝的;(船)进水下沉的”,英文解释为“(of land) full of water and almost covered by a layer of it”举个🌰:The game was cancelled because of a waterlogged pitch. 比赛因为运动场积水而被取消了。 The latest rainfall led to the reappearance of masses ofbrolliesand rainponchosand long lines outside Olympicstadia. 最近的降雨使得观众纷纷撑起雨伞,穿上雨披,奥运场馆外也排起了长队。 brolly brolly /ˈbrɒl.i/ ,umbrella的非正式说法,表示“伞;雨伞;阳伞” poncho poncho /ˈpɒn.tʃəʊ/ 表示“(大块布料正中开领口的)斗篷;雨披”,英文解释为“a piece of clothing made of a single piece of material, with a hole in the middle through which you put your head” stadia stadium的复数,stadium /ˈsteɪ.di.əm/ 表示“体育场”,英文解释为“a large closed area of land with rows of seats around the sides and often with no roof, used for sports events and musical performances”,其复数可以是stadiums也可是stadia. One fan Marc Hobes, 25, from Paris, said: 'This is not typical weather. For a tennis fan like me, this is very bad luck and also for Paris. 来自巴黎的25岁球迷马克·霍贝斯(Marc Hobes)说:“这不是常见的天气。对于像我这样的网球迷来说,运气非常不好,对巴黎来说也是如此。” 'We want to show off the Olympics to the world in one of the best cities, but the rainspoiledthe opening ceremony and now the sport. “我们希望在最好的城市之一向全世界展示奥运会,但这场雨破坏了开幕式,现在又影响了赛事。” spoil spoil /spɔɪl/ 1)表示“破坏;糟蹋;毁掉”,英文解释为“to destroy or reduce the pleasure, interest, or beauty of something”举个🌰:He tried not to let the bad news spoil his evening. 他努力不让那个坏消息破坏他晚上的兴致。 2)表示“溺爱,娇惯;宠坏”,英文解释为“to allow a child to do or have everything that it wants to, usually so that it expects to get everything it wants and does not show respect to other people” 3)表示“(使)(食物)变质,(使)变坏”,英文解释为“When food spoils or is spoiled, it is no longer good enough to eat.”举个🌰:The dessert will spoil if you don't keep it in the fridge. 如果你不把甜点放在冰箱里,它会坏掉的。 'But I was at Wimbledon last month and the rain was there too. So it is not just Paris.' “但我上个月去了温布尔登,那里也下雨了。所以这不仅仅是巴黎的问题。” Debbie Lyons, 42, from Wembley who was with her French partner Pierre, said: 'Wemoanabout the weather back at home and now the French might understand why we are miserable most summers. 42岁的黛比·莱昂斯(Debbie Lyons)来自英国伦敦温布利(Wembley),她和她的法国伴侣皮埃尔(Pierre)在一起,她说:“我们在国内总是抱怨天气不好,现在法国人可能会理解为什么我们的夏天总是很糟糕。” moan moan /məʊn/ 表示“抱怨,发牢骚”,英文解释为“to make a complaint in an unhappy voice, usually about something that does not seem important to other people”举个🌰:"I don't like potatoes," he moaned. “我不爱吃土豆,”他抱怨说。 'Pierre and me are going to Nice tomorrow. The sun should be out there.' “皮埃尔和我明天要去法国东南部城市尼斯(Nice)。那里应该会有太阳。” The poor weather also caused issues for athletes in the women's cycling, with several competitors crashing on the capital's rain-soakedstreets duringthe time trial. 糟糕的天气也对女子自行车比赛运动员造成了影响。在计时赛中,几名选手在雨水浸湿的巴黎街道上发生了事故。 soaked soaked /səʊkt/ 表示“湿透的,浸透的”,英文解释为“extremely wet”举个🌰:I'm going to have to take these clothes off - I'm soaked to the skin! 我要去脱下这些衣服——我浑身都湿透了! time trial time trial /ˈtaɪm ˌtraɪəl/ 表示“(体育比赛,尤指自行车赛的)计时赛”,英文解释为“a competition in some sports, especially cycling, in which each competitor separately travels a particular distance and the time they take is recorded” Thousands have taken to X (formerly Twitter) sharing #boycottOlympics and #boycottParis2024, which has been trending throughout the day. 成千上万人在X(原Twitter)上分享 #抵制奥运 和 #抵制巴黎2024 的话题,这两个话题全天都处于热搜榜。 boycott boycott /ˈbɔɪkɒt/ 在类似新闻报道中多次出现,比如韩国小姐集体拒绝赴日比赛一文中的Korea to boycott Miss International 2019; boycott可作动词也可作名词,意思是“抵制,排斥,拒绝参加”,我国港澳台地区常说的“杯葛”一词即为boycott的音译,英文解释为“to refuse to buy, use or take part in sth as a way of protesting”举个🌰:We boycott all products tested on animals. 我们抵制所有拿动物做试验的产品。 In particular, the appearance of a 'naked blue man' among a scene likened to the Last Supper angered many watching including Christians. 特别是一个“裸体蓝人”在类似《最后的晚餐》的场景中出现,激怒了包括基督徒在内的许多观众。 One wrote: 'What a disgraceful opening to the 2024 Olympics #BoycottOlympics.' 一位用户写道:“2024年奥运会开幕式真是令人羞耻 #抵制奥运。” Another declared they 'didn't even care about the Olympics' but were now '100 per cent boycotting'. 另一位用户宣称他们“根本不在乎奥运会”,但现在“百分之百抵制”。 'Are you serious?!? This isblasphemousand God will not be mocked! #BoycottOlympics.' “你们是认真的吗?!?这是对上帝的亵渎,上帝不容嘲弄!#抵制奥运。” blasphemous blasphemous /ˈblæs.fə.məs/ 表示“亵渎的;侮慢的;不敬的”,英文解释为“considered offensive to God or religion”如:a blasphemous remark 亵渎上帝的话。 'Respect Jesus Christ and reject anymockeryof Jesus' Last Supper. Retweet if you stand with #BoycottOlympics. “尊重耶稣基督,拒绝任何对耶稣《最后的晚餐》的嘲弄。如果你支持 #抵制奥运,请转发。” mockery mockery /ˈmɒk.ər.i/ 表示“嘲笑,讥笑;模仿”,英文解释为“the act of mocking someone or something”举个🌰:His mockery of his dad was cruel, but it made us laugh. 他模仿他爸爸的做法有点残忍,不过我们都被逗笑了。 'Thespectaclewasdespicable, offensive and extremelyvile. #BoycottOlympics #BoycottParis2024. “这一表演无耻、无礼、极其卑鄙。#抵制奥运 #抵制巴黎2024。” spectacle spectacle /ˈspɛktəkəl/ 1)表示“壮观场面;壮观景象”,英文解释为“a public event or show that is exciting to watch; an exciting appearance”举个🌰:The carnival was a magnificent spectacle. 嘉年华场面十分壮观。 2)表示“不寻常的事;出人意料的情况”,英文解释为“an unusual or unexpected event or situation that attracts attention, interest, or disapproval”举个🌰:It was a strange spectacle to see the two former enemies shaking hands and slapping each other on the back. 见到两个宿敌握手言欢,拍着彼此的背部,真是一幅奇怪的场景。 despicable despicable /dɪˈspɪkəbəl/ 表示“令人厌恶的;可鄙的;卑鄙的”,英文解释为“very unpleasant or evil”,如:a despicable act/crime 卑鄙的行为/罪行,举个🌰:I hate you! You're despicable. 我恨你!你真卑鄙。 vile vile /vaɪl/ 1)表示“邪恶的;卑鄙的;可耻的”,英文解释为“unpleasant, immoral, and unacceptable” 2)表示“糟透的,极坏的;恶劣的”,英文解释为“extremely unpleasant”举个🌰:This cheese smells vile. 这奶酪的气味难闻死了。 'Will this be the first Olympics that never was? Who will be the first country brave enough to boycott? Fingers crossed #BoycottOlympics.' “这会是第一届没有举行的奥运会吗?哪个国家会勇敢地第一个抵制?拭目以待 #抵制奥运。” Though manytook issue withthesegmentof the ceremony for its perceived mockery of the Last Supper, The Olympic Games' official X account suggested otherwise, labelling the 'naked blue man' an 'interpretation of the Greek God Dionysus'. 尽管许多人对开幕式的这一表演表示不满,认为是对《最后的晚餐》的嘲弄,奥运会官方X账号给出了不同的解释,称“裸体蓝人”是“对希腊酒神狄俄尼索斯的演绎”。 take issue with sth 表示“对…持强烈异议,很不赞同”,英文解释为“to disagree strongly”举个🌰:I took issue with her over her interpretation of the instructions. 我不赞同她对命令的理解。 segment segment /ˈseɡ.mənt/ 1)作名词,可以表示“(群体或事物的)部分,片,段;(柑橘、柠檬的)瓣;(圆的一部分)弓形”,举个🌰:She cleaned a small segment of the painting. 她擦干净了这幅画的一小部分。 2)表示“分割;划分”,英文解释为“to divide sth into different parts”举个🌰:Market researchers often segment the population on the basis of age and social class. 市场研究人员常常按年龄和社会阶层划分人口。 3)表示“(电视、广播或互联网节目的)节,段”,英文解释为“a short piece of film that forms part of a television or radio programme, or that is broadcast on the internet”举个🌰:CNN last week broadcast a segment on homicides in the city. CNN上周播出了有关这座城市凶杀状况节目的一段。 Dionysus is the Greek god offertilityand has no relevance to the Last Supper. 狄俄尼索斯是希腊的丰收之神,与《最后的晚餐》无关。 fertility fertility /fəˈtɪl.ə.ti/ 表示“富饶;丰产;生殖力;能生育性;可繁殖性”,英文解释为“the state of being fertile”如:a fertility symbol 生殖力的象征,declining fertility rates 下降的生育率,the fertility of the soil/land 土壤的肥沃;土地的丰饶,a god of fertility 丰收之神,fertility treatment (= medical help given to a person to help them have a baby) 不孕症治疗。 French actor and singer Phillippe Katerine, who played the controversial part,dismissedcritics. 扮演这一争议角色的法国演员和歌手菲利普·卡特琳(Phillippe Katerine)驳斥了批评者的说法。 dismiss dismiss /dɪˈsmɪs/ 1)表示“对…不予理会,摒弃,(从头脑中)去除”,英文解释为“to decide that something or someone is not important and not worth considering”举个🌰:I think he'd dismissed me as an idiot within five minutes of meeting me. 我认为他和我见面5分钟后就把我归入了傻瓜之列。 2)表示“解雇;免职;开除”,英文解释为“to officially remove sb from their job”举个🌰:She claims she was unfairly dismissed from her post. 她声称自己被无理免职。 He told BFM TV: 'It wouldn't be fun if there were no controversy. Wouldn't it be boring if everyone agreed on this planet?' 他告诉BFM电视台:“如果没有争议,那就不好玩了。如果地球上的每个人都意见一致,那岂不是太无聊了?”